Tuition is Up at Public Universities Since the Recession
Arizona has increased its tuition the most at 72%.
Fortune reports.
Public University Tuition Has Jumped 28% Since Recession
Even years after the end of the recession, state budgets for higher education are still suffering.
Since the Great Recession, when states slashed their budgets for public higher education, support for public universities remains far below pre-2008 levels. Between 2008 and 2015, state spending on average per student decreased by more than one-fifth, according to a new study by the millennial advocacy group Young Invincibles.
The study echoed previous findings by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities that were released this May and found that many state universities had increased tuition to make up the loss in state funding. They’ve also taken steps to cut administrative positions and courses, increase class size, and eliminate programs or departments. According to that report, annual tuition at four-year public colleges has increased by 28 percent since the recession, since state funding and student tuition are the two main sources of revenue for public schools.
pro tip: the “recession” never ended…
they just BS’d the statistics. we’re actually in a depression, and things are going to get worse, not better, world wide.