They lean progressive on issues like gun rights, policing, and energy but don’t want to vote.

Red Alert Politics reports.

Poll: Millennials are anti-gun, anti-oil, anti-police, and anti-voting

Millennials have an issue with the current state of affairs. They lean progressive on issues like gun rights, policing, and energy but don’t want to vote.
A USA Today/Rock The Vote poll released on January 11 revealed that a supermajority of millennials agreed on background checks for all gun purchases, a transition to more clean and renewable energy by 2030, and requiring police to wear body cameras.

While they lean left and are fangirling Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), millennials don’t really care about voting.

“Young people need to be engaged by the candidates and need to feel like the issues they care about are being addressed in order for them to want to participate in the process,” said Ashley Spillane, president of Rock the Vote. “Right now this election is largely focused on the older demographic, because that’s who they expect to show up.”
