Watch the two short videos below and compare. The first one is real, the second is parody.

Via Paul Caron of the TaxProfBlog.

The [real] ad tells the remarkable story of Deng Adut is Sudanese refugee who was taken from his mother and forced to fight with Ethiopian rebels, escaped to Western Sydney, taught himself English and lived in a car, eventually managing to complete a UWS law degree, before becoming a refugee lawyer.

The parody features a fictitious Shore School graduate named Luke Williams, a 1st XV rugby player who also ‘struggles’ through the HSC… because he has a tired hand. Along the way Williams endures disappointments – he is given an Audi for his 17th birthday, not the BMW he hoped for. He achieves a sporting scholarship to the University of Sydney, eventually graduating law school and landing a grad position at ‘his father’s firm’, despite his non-stop partying. He manages to earn enough money to buy his BMW.
