How in the world do you take care of school and the startup, both full-time jobs in themselves?

Forbes reports.

Here’s The Secret To Doing Well In College While Running A Startup

This is the third article in a series about how a group of students at Penn created a non-profit commercializing a product that helps the visually impaired recognize what they are looking at. Check out the first article here about how they first built a product and here for how they then commercialized it.

Everyone has ideas, especially in college. Some of these ideas might evolve into billion dollar companies if the students behind them just took a leap of faith. More realistically, the vast majority of students will flush away the ideas with thoughts like how am I going to have time work on both school and the startup? Will my grades suffer? I have absolutely no experience doing anything like this.

You see, our education system has conditioned our students into seeing failure like a disease –we should avoid it at all costs. We’re trained from a very early age to memorize the facts we need, take our exam, and then just move on. No questions. No thinking. If we do anything different than we’re supposed to do, we’re punished. Here’s your B for being a tad bit different and not following my trivial directions.
