The top countries are Chile and Brazil.

Bloomberg reports.

These Are the Countries Where Your College Degree Is Worth the Most

It may be time to rethink that move to Manhattan after graduation. South America has the best market for your college degree.

Chile and Brazil are the two countries where it pays the most to have a higher education, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Graduates there can expect to earn more than two and a half times that of their peers who went straight to work after high school. Colombia followed closely behind with the third-largest earnings gap.

The OECD’s just-released 2015 Education at a Glance report compared employment income of 25- to 64-year-old workers who held a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree with those holding a high school diploma. In all of the 30 countries studied, those additional years of schooling were the worth the investment, with higher levels of education translating into lower unemployment and more income.
