Survey Suggests Most Freshmen Not Emotionally Prepared for College
60 percent of freshmen said they wished they had “more help getting emotionally ready for college.
NBC News reports.
Survey: Most Freshmen Are Not Emotionally Prepared for College
High school students spend years taking classes that will help them tackle the rigors of college courses.
But according to a new national survey, most freshmen were unprepared for campus life in one important way: emotionally.
The First Year College Experience survey, conducted by Harris Poll for The JED Foundation, Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, and The Jordan Porco Foundation, found that 60 percent of freshmen said they wished they had “more help getting emotionally ready for college.”
Emotional preparedness was a major factor in determining whether a student had a successful freshman year or not. The survey of over 1,500 first-year college students showed that those who felt less emotionally prepared for college when compared to their peers had lower GPAs and were four times more likely (22 percent versus 5 percent) to describe their first year experience as “terrible/poor.”
Oh, gee, it life too hard for those special snowflakes? Get me a violin! What passes for a public school education is filled with academic fluff and diversity drivel. Students get grades based upon showing up and then getting scored for being present. They don’t know how to work. They don’t know the difference between A, B or C level work. Everything is supposed to get an A regardless of input. Parents haven’t done any better with the adulthood prep for their children. Nothing is connected to reality. Children use to grow up to be self-sufficient. Now they are trained to look to gov to parent them as an adult. Guess that isn’t working out so well.