This is just the way the left rolls. They don’t want to have a civil discussion, they want their opponents to be silenced.

Emily Jashinsky reports at Breitbart.

Young Americans for Freedom Flyers Vandalized at Gettysburg College

After the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Gettysburg College hung fliers advertising a meeting, they were instantly subjected to a vicious backlash from their liberal peers.

The fliers were vandalized with swastikas and obscenities, members were attacked online, called “racist” and “hateful,” and the chapter had to resort to hiring security guards to patrol their first meeting, which liberal students attempted to hijack. A campus wide email sent from an administrator noted that YAF’s viewpoint had caused some students to feel “unsafe.”

In a comical demonstration of irony, Gettysburg’s allegedly tolerant and inclusive campus liberals were photographed literally scrubbing the YAF chapter’s school-approved chalk messages from the sidewalk with sponges.

The content of those messages? “Protect our veterans,” “Religious liberty for all,” and “Defend the Constitution.”

In a stunning lack of appreciation for ideological diversity, Gettysburg student Emily Whitcomb told the school newspaper, “My thinking was, if these chalk words offend even one person on campus, that is reason enough (to me) to get rid of them.”

In the same article, Alison Lauro told the paper she believed that the chapter’s conservative ideas were “hateful” and making students feel “unsafe” was YAF’s goal “all along.” Campus rumors even erroneously pinned a recent assault on the YAF chapter.
