According to a new report from Life News, Colorado State is now caught up in the ongoing Planned Parenthood controversy.

Colorado State University Caught Signing Contract With Planned Parenthood to Buy Aborted Babies

New documentation shows Colorado State University (CSU) signed a five-year contract with the local Planned Parenthood abortion business to purchase the body parts of aborted babies.

In 2013, CSU purchased fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood’s flagship abortion facility in San Jose, California via a company called Stem Express. In total, nine specimens were harvested from eight different aborted babies killed in abortions at that Planned Parenthood clinic and the purchase order reveals CSU bought two body parts, including an aborted baby’s liver.

This came to light after the Center for Medical Research (CMP) released a video of Planned Parenthood’s top doctor, Deborah Nucatola, admitting that the abortion giant charges per-specimen for baby body parts, uses altered abortion procedures in order to get intact body parts, and is aware of their own liability for doing so and takes steps to cover it up.

However, the scandal of CSU purchasing aborted baby body parts from Planned Parenthood hits much closer to home for Coloradans. New documentation has received shows it signed a contract with Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains based in Denver. Although all of the CSU information in the contract with PPRM is redacted, it is clear that the agreement is between both parties and it shows that it is a five-year agreement.

In the contract, CSU ensures that Planned Parenthood will take “reasonable precautions” for the transportation of the tissue; that the University will not be held responsible for obtaining consent from the abortion company’s patients; and they acknowledge that Planned Parenthood is “not in the business of selling tissue.”
