Some things are still the same, but some things have changed.

NBC reports.

Parents: Ready to Feel Old? Here’s How College Is Different Now

If you’re a parent of a college-bound kid, get ready to tell a lot of stories that start with “Back in my day.” The college experience is nothing like it was when you went to school.

Your first clue that your teen’s education will be very different from yours starts at the beginning: The Common App. For a generation that slid their applications into a typewriter and then covered their fingers in White Out as they tried to cover typos, applying to college today is a revelation. While many parents may never have laid eyes on their campus until move in-day, not knowing a single soul, our kids arrive at school with a wealth of information about their campus, classmates and academic options.

But the changes don’t stop there. Here are seven ways college is different now. Read ’em and weep as you prepare to tell tales of trekking uphill both ways to get to and from class.
