Her new employer doesn’t mind her “provocative” tweets.

Fox News reports.

Memphis professor behind racist tweets resurfaces at crosstown school

A Memphis professor who left her job under a cloud after a series of racist tweets and Facebook posts has resurfaced at a school across town, where some of her new faculty peers are not happy to have her as a colleague.

Zandria Robinson, who taught sociology at University of Memphis until resigning on June 11, had previously posted on Facebook and Twitter that she did not want her daughter attending school with “snotty privileged whites,” apparently ramped up her social media rhetoric after leaving the job. In a series of tweets that began June 26, nine days after white racist Dylann Roof gunned down nine African Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church, Robinson wrote that “whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror” and said she expected to see “thinkpieces about how more mental health services could prevent white people from acting how they are conditioned to act.”

Officials at Rhodes College announced Robinson’s hiring last week, and praised her for her “provocative” comments, some of which were first reported by the website SoCawlege.
