Federal Government Tries to Make Engineering Classes More ‘LGBTQ-Affirming’
We’re from the government and we’re here to help.
Eric Owens of the Daily Caller reported.
Federal Government Grants $300K To Make Engineering Classes ‘LGBTQ-Affirming’
The National Science Foundation is granting almost $300,000 in taxpayer funds for a two-year “diversity research” study examining aspects of engineering culture that serve as “impediments” to increased numbers of gay, lesbian and transgender students.
The American Society for Engineering Education is managing the federally-funded research, reports Campus Reform. The study will run from now through June 2017.
The researchers hope to find ways to train engineering professors to become “LGBTQ-affirming.”
The acronym LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.
An abstract at the National Science Foundation’s website explains that the $299,998 study “aligns with” the Foundation’s “goal to promote a more diverse engineering workforce by promoting” LGBTQ equality in engineering, a field which “has been underserved by other efforts to increase diversity in the profession.”
The National Science Foundation abstract also declares that “engineering departments have proven more impervious to inclusive practices than other disciplines.”
Federal Government Grants $300K To Make Engineering Classes ‘LGBTQ-Affirming’ (The Daily Caller)
More women than men go to college. So, where is the American Association of University Men to encourage more men to go to college? Women are disproportionately represented in the teaching and nursing fields. But, I don’t see any program to encourage more men to go into those fields. Whatever happened to the choice of an individual?
Anyone, who doesn’t have the capacity to learn and apply the material, has no business getting that degree no matter how special a special snowflake they think they are. The diversity people need to get over themselves!
How does what students do with their genitals have ANYTHING to do with differential calculus?