Some of the greatest academics in the world are striking back.

Breitbart reports.

Nobel Scientists Condemn Feminist ‘Lynch Mob’ That Ousted Professor

Sir Andre Geim, who won the Nobel prize for physics in 2010, said Sir Tim had been “crucified” by feminist fanatics and condemned UCL for “ousting him” from his honorary post. A senior colleague of Sir Tim’s wife Professor Mary Collins also accused UCL of a “knee-jerk reaction” following a Twitter storm.

Sir Tim, who won the Nobel prize himself in 2001, said he feels “hung out to dry” after the hysterical backlash over his “joke” comment that women who work in laboratories cry when criticised and distract male colleagues by falling in love with them.

The Times newspaper contacted various Nobel laureates, eight of whom either condemned UCL’s decision or said the press reaction had been out of proportion, while only two said the college was right to remove him.

Sir Andre added: “The saddest part is probably the reaction by the UCL top brass who forced Tim to resign. So much for the freedom of expression by the very people who should be guardians of academic freedom.”

He warned it could take years for UCL’s reputation to recover after the debacle.
