Why can’t boys just be boys anymore?
War on Women? Hardly. Masculinity is under attack.
From our parent site, Legal Insurrection:
Why can’t boys just be boys anymore?
Forget the fictitious but politically expedient ‘War on Women,’ masculinity is under attack. Men are maligned for not being more feminine in quality and character, and little boys are expected to forsake their natural curiosity, fervor, and active nature so as not to offend anyone with their rambunctiousness.
The compulsion to label little boys as violent, soon-to-be patriarchal overlords who can’t possibly understand the plight of women is not only out of control, but is damaging future generations of men.
Why can’t boys just be boys anymore? That’s a question Bill Whittle, Stephen Kruiser, Scott Ott, Stephen Green, and Dr. Helen Smith tackle in a video released by PJ Media Monday.
Boys are diagnosed with ADHD and ADD at substantially higher proportions than girls. Do boys really suffer from attention deficits or are they simply… little boys? “Are we drugging our boys into femininity?” asks Whittle.
While boys aren’t being drugged into femininity per se, Dr. Smith notes that a byproduct of the progressive education movement is a school system staffed predominately with women who know best how to serve girl students. And the boys? There’s really no place for them in this construct. In order to make the transition as seamless as possible, little boys are disproportionately drugged to make them more cooperative in the system built around the needs of little girls.