No surprises here, folks. From the College Fix.

Washington State group drafts list of demands for WSU president

At a meeting of Washington State University’s WSUWakeUp group, its leaders “expanded [their] campaign to other underrepresented groups on campus” as they developed a list of grievances to deliver to the school president, Elson Floyd.

One student jumped on the situation at the University of Oklahoma where members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon were shown on video singing a racist chant.

“The only difference between the University of Oklahoma and our university is that their administration handled it correctly,” said senior Morgan Brown, a women’s studies major.

WSUWakeUp’s focus of late has been an incident involving the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, where some black students were at the receiving end of some racial epithets late last month.

The Daily Evergreen reports:

In order to keep the issue in the eyes of the administration, a follow-up meeting with the Board of Administration will happen on Thursday of this week.

“Everything has been happening so fast, that we just want to get it out there so it doesn’t get swept under the rug,” said Terez Hubble-Brownfield, senior majoring in digital technology and culture.

Brianna Tollackson, president of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA), suggested that they request a formal statement from President Floyd about how the administration plans on responding to the campus climate concerns in light of recent events at WSU and nation-wide.

Along this line, the meeting progressed to generating questions and suggestions that should be brought to President Floyd on the list of grievances. These included injustices against undocumented students, concerns about YikYak, the GSA losing office space, and developing awareness at the freshmen level.

Jared Powell, ASWSU president and senior majoring in political science and philosophy, suggested developing a freshmen UCORE class that covers sexual violence, racism and other issues.
