Are Christian universities being forced to capitulate to secular demands?

Heather Sells reports for CBN:

Christian Colleges’ Moral Standards Taking Heat

WENHAM, Mass. — More than 450,000 students attend colleges focused on Christ-centered learning. These schools often require students and faculty to sign a faith statement committing to certain beliefs and behaviors.

In the past, society approved and even praised such acts, but today that affirmation has been replaced by charges of discrimination and threats over accreditation.

If any Christian college is in the eye of the storm right now it’s Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, just north of Boston. It’s historic views on sexuality have led some neighboring towns to sever ties with the school.

It’s also facing questions about its historic statement of faith and conduct, which forbids homosexual behavior and heterosexual intercourse outside of marriage.

Life Together

Gordon President Michael Lindsay is upbeat and upfront about the challenge.

“Christian colleges are at the tip of the spear of engaging on cultural issues and Gordon, being based here in New England, is at the vanguard of that,” Lindsay told CBN News.
