Do you ever get the sense that some of today’s college students are focused on all the wrong things? Robert Stacy McCain points to a recent report by Campus Reform.

Bad Ideas and Bad Prose at Cornell

Cornell University may be the only Ivy League school with a “diversity” quota for the mentally ill. Or maybe the students were sane until they got to Ithaca and started studying under the tutelage of radical professors. At any rate, the Cornell campus is swarming with lunatics:

A student-sponsored event at Cornell University (CU) claimed capitalism and white supremacy are “institutions that promote rape culture” and “must be destroyed.”

The event, which recognized a “National Day of Protest Against Rape Culture” late last month, took place in CU’s William Straight Hall. Bailey Dineen, one of the sponsors of the event, reprimanded Cornell and the justice system and accused “white supremacist, imperialist, capitalist, [and] cisheteropatriarchy,” for promoting rape culture, according to the Cornell Review.

According to the event’s Facebook page, End Rape Culture, where 323 students confirmed their attendance, “[v]iolence and fear are a constant feature of our society.”

“We cannot pretend that ours is a progressive culture when sexual violence remains a daily fact of existence for minoritized identities,” the page says. “Advances toward ‘equality’ cannot purport to signify much when the reality of rape burdens women and queer bodies at every moment and remains a fixed part of the history and present of people of color, people of lower income, and other groups rendered powerless in our society.”

The page goes on to declare that “[s]o long as sexual violence exists, it will be used as a tool to ensure subordination in the interest of maintaining a white supremacist, capitalist, cisheteropatriarchy.”
