Students are on their cellphones so much anyway. If they can help with problems, great.

J Baulkman of University Herald reports.

Cell Phones May Help College Students With Drinking Problems

Porismita Borah of Washington State University has received a pilot grant to see how mobile technologies can help encourage safer behavior.

“The novelty of our approach lies in utilizing mobile devices to offer information in real time,” Borah, an assistant professor in WSU’s Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, said in a statement. “The data can be used to design fine-grained messages to instantly address potential warning signs.”

Real-time assessments of health behaviors and related experiences are possible using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) through mobile technology developed in the Murrow College, researchers said. A combination of this mobile technology with mobile interventions can be applied for various health outcomes.

“We know that people rarely drink alone,” Prabu David, associate dean in the college who helped develop the mobile application, said in a statement. “Are students drinking with friends? Are they out in public? Are they alone? How many drinks have they had late on a Friday evening? These answers can provide insights for designing personalized intervention messages.”

The reach of the technology is broader than at-risk students. Individuals can configure the program to send a motivational message created by themselves, a family member or a friend. For example, a message from a friend or confidante could be triggered when a person has violated a predetermined behavior, such as having stayed at a bar too long.
