Ryan Spaude is a student at Princeton University and an intern at the Republican National Committee.

He shares his thoughts, shared by many of his generation, about the current state of  “The American Dream.”

…When asked if the American Dream was within their reach today, nearly 6 in 10 Americans sadly answered “no,” according to a recent CNN Money poll. Focusing on young adults, an even larger margin of 63 percent said that the dream is no longer achievable, the poll found.

After six years under President Obama, people remain anxious and uncertain if they and their children will inherit a better country than their parents did. I am among them.

…Jobs that are open right now to college students and recent grads are low-wage gigs with little room for advancement. We are taking internships, we are volunteering, trying to work our way up. When our parents and grandparents grew-up, people could land a good job and work there until they retired. That’s not possible anymore.

Young people are the hope and future of this country, and it is a shame that President Obama continues to push them to the sidelines with damaging economic policies and greater government regulations.

If someone were to ask me if I still believe in the American Dream, I’d say “sort of.” I was raised to believe in it, but have come to realize it is under assault.

The American Dream used to be defined as teaching young people that they have a shot in life, that they can be whatever they want to be, that they could work hard and achieve.

Today, it’s just tougher to get ahead. We’re told there’s obstacles. We’re told we need help. We’re told that the government is there to solve our problems.

I got into Princeton thanks to hard work, the support of my community and family, and some generous financial aid. I am blessed and grateful that I have great opportunities before me. But one of the main reasons that I am a Republican is because the party works to create jobs and ease onerous regulations so employers can expand their businesses.

That benefits me and all young Americans looking to enter the workforce. Several job-creating bills are waiting to be passed right now into law, but Democrats in Washington ardently refuse to act on them.

Americans, particularly young Americans, were made many promises when President Obama took office. It’s 2014 and it’s time that we asked ourselves: is this really the best that we can do as Americans?

President Obama, I want my American Dream back.
