We often report on school “zero tolerance” gun policies that punish students in some way.

Recently, a Los Angeles school science teacher was burned by those policies. Happily, common sense has prevailed and he is back on the job.

The beloved science teacher at a public high school in Los Angeles who was suspended because a school employee was afraid that a couple science projects looked too much like terrifying weapons has been reinstated, reports the Los Angeles Times.

It only took about two months, which is barely a millisecond in time as measured amid the red tape of big-city public schools.

Back in February, the teacher, Greg Schiller, was suspended (with pay) from his job at at the brutally futuristic-looking $232 million Cortines School of Visual & Performing Arts (also called Grand Arts High School).

His crime was overseeing two projects designed to shoot little projectiles. One of the projects used compressed air (but was not actually connected to any air). The other one was coil gun: A tube surrounded by a coil and powered by a standard AA battery.

Neither project was anything groundbreaking. As the Times notes, both are ordinary fare at science fairs around the country.

Nevertheless, an unidentified school employee saw at least one of the devices and got scared because, to her, it looked like a fearsome weapon.

…Officials with the Los Angeles Unified School District had told Schiller he was suspended for “supervising the building, research and development of imitation weapons.”

Schiller, 43, received word that he would be allowed back into the classroom on Friday.

“I am very excited to be back with my students and help them prepare for the Advanced Placement tests, which are a week away,” Schiller told the Times. “We have a lot of work ahead of ourselves.”

However, his ordeal is only partially over. School district officials refused to say that the science teacher is fully vindicated. He could still face some kind of punishment.
