By the time you’re in college, shouldn’t you know that you’re supposed to eat fruits and vegetables? The USDA isn’t so sure and they’ve come up with another wonderful government program to deal with the problem.

Eric Scheiner of CNS News reports.

Gov’t Spending $4.8M to Tell Students to ‘Get Fruved’

If a college student dressed up as a giant bunch of grapes jumped out of the shadows and told you to “get fruved,” what could you possibly say?The University of Tennessee-Knoxville is getting more than $4.8 million taxpayer dollars to develop a healthy-eating campaign that has students — dressed up as fruits and vegetables — cavorting in the hallways of higher education.

Getting “fruved” means you’re eating your FRUits and VEgetables. Get it?

The USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) recently announced a grant of $4,887,083 for the school’s “Get Fruved” project.

Ladies and gentlemen, your tax dollars at work.
