Professor Jacobson has even more reason to be proud of Cornell University!

His school is not depicted anywhere on a set of maps from, which shows where college students face the most arrests for drugs and alcohol.

Here is one of the generated images:

CI #01 arrests

“We wanted to find interesting data that’s been under-explored,” Drugs on Campus project head Jon Millward told Business Insider. Many of the previously existing reports on campus drug use were “more surface,” Millward said.

The information on these maps comes from the Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education, which only tracks campus crime reports, not those from the surrounding area. According to the report, maps offer a distinct way of looking at campus drug cultures:

… Every college has its own unique drug scene, and each student has his or her particular drug habits, ranging from “straight edge” to “pharmacy on legs.” So to really understand what the landscape of drug use on American college campuses looks like, one has to closely analyze a map. Actually, one has to delve into government and academic data and then create and compare some maps.

Click HERE for more maps.
