Phil Valentine is the producer of “An Inconsistent Truth” on the reasons for global warming skepticism, as well as a popular talk radio show host in Nashville.

When he headlined an event featuring his work for the University of Virginia College Republicans, Thomas Forman (President of the UVA Environmental Sciences Organization) had an attack of the vapors and declared that student groups should not invite “scientifically illiterate speakers” for campus events:

Climate change isn’t something that should be debated in political organizations like we would other issues; it has been proven in study after study and is taught as fact in our ecology classes. If these organizations continue to be “scientifically illiterate” and give voice and legitimacy to these types of individuals, we will never be able to move forward. The most basic knowledge that we should all accept is science. I’d ask organizations like these to keep their debates to current affairs and leave the science up to scientists who are not afraid to accept empirical facts.

Valentine offered an erudite and thorough response to the activist’s charges, noting that Froman didn’t even bother to attend the event.

Right on cue came Thomas Forman II, the Monday morning after my weekend visit. Forman scolded the College Republicans for even inviting me, as if I had soiled the hallowed grounds with my presence. He then proceeded to call me and anyone who dares disagree with the propaganda that he and others have been spewing “scientifically illiterate.”

Forman didn’t even have the decency to attend the screening, which is typical of people on his side of the issue, especially in academia. I suspect Forman knows the truth. How could he not? None of what Al Gore predicted in his movie has come true. The earth’s temperatures are not currently rising. The polar bears are not dying off. Sea levels are not rising. Hurricanes are not getting more vicious and more frequent. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

…Forman’s display of arrogance is breathtaking. His description of anyone who disagrees with him on climate change as being scientifically illiterate is the kind of scorched-earth policy the proponents of man-made global warming employ when they sense the truth is knocking down their door.

…The recent snow storms that have pounded much of the country only serve to drive that point home. I’m certainly well aware that weather is not climate. I’m also aware that theory is not science. The scientific method demands proof. The global warming alarmists have no proof, so they fall back to climate models. There are 73 major climate models that have been predicting temperature since 1979. All of the climate models — like Forman — have been dead wrong.

We’re left wondering what part of “tolerance” and “diversity” Forman is unable to understand.
