American U. prof targets NRA, tying it to genocide and Jihad
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a favorite target of campus progressives.
One University of Kansas professor went so far in his attack that he tweeted for the death of NRA members’ kids. While a bit less distasteful in his statements, one professor makes some very wild accusations in his recent tirade against the organization.
American University Emeritus professor of literature Charles R. Larson claims the NRA’s “screeds against gun control in the United States” can be readily connected to “genocide in the world… [and to calls] for jihad against those who would attempt to impose any controls on gun ownership.”
He wrote that this provides cover for “many Americans” who suffer from a “gun addiction… [that is] as out of control as alcoholism or the abuse of other substances.”
According to, Larson contends that those who possess this so-called “gun addiction” have “dangerous if not irrational beliefs.” Chief among them is the widespread fear that, “Obama is going to take [Americans’] guns away” and that such addicts use guns to deal with “trivial incidents of daily life.”
He tries to support his thesis by pointing to incidents like the 71-year-old man who murdered another man during an argument in a movie theater, two kids who were wounded when a student brought a gun to a Pennsylvania school, and an Elkhart, Indiana criminal who was killed by police after murdering two individuals in a grocery store.
Larson says these incidents send the message that “those who do not possess guns” are “under attack.” Thus, “gun owners—and especially NRA spokespeople who have never demonstrated one iota of concern for the innocent victims of gun violence who are killed every day in our country—have created such an atmosphere of fear that they have become blood brothers of religious jihadists.”
He said the thousands of firearm-related deaths in our country each year point to “genocide by another name,” and he lays the blame at the feet of the NRA.
What’s annoying is that leftists / statists, like the Prof above WILL want to remove guns, but then talks out of the other side of his mouth and denies that, saying such a fear of confiscation is irrational.
1) Fast & Furious – I won’t re-write the long-ish posts I have done on this – but, it was a plan to make “mom and pop” gun stores complicit in gun deaths in Mexico. All so they could then have an excuse to impose death-by-a-thousand-cuts regulations on them.
2) Obama’s EPA has caused the last lead smelter in the U.S. to shut down. This will make the cost of bullets go up signifigantly. I mean, screw all the “little people” who use lead in thousands of other applications, we gotta hit gun owners on every front.
3) After Newtown and other incidents there is ALWAYS a call for “common sense” gun laws – that will only restrict only lawful owners, when most of the gun murders are done by guns owned ILLEGALLY.
4) 100 Million gun owners, and 300 million guns, and only 8-12k per year of gun deaths by murder by firearms. That’s 8% of 1% of gun owners who use their guns to murder. Give me a break.
5) They full well know that one group is trying to ban handguns, another rifles, and some shotguns – and all of them the amount of ammo each can hold.
You ask any of these groups – “ok, if YOUR legislation (pistol, magazine, rifle, etc) gets passed, then you’ll forever be satisfied and actually advocate for no more gun restrictions, right?” And ….. not so much.
6) Great example of gun grabbing without calling it gun grabbing: California’s “micro-stamping” – since the technology doesn’t WORK, by making it mandatory you make all those guns illegal.
This professor says that gun owners are full of irrational fears – meaning don’t speak out or if you do you’re irrational. Silencing psychology, and instant denigration of the speaker for disagreeing.
Oh, and totally forgot to add that in California, Conneticut, and New York states that the gun registration became mandatory. In NY and CA, there are now notices being sent out “You can turn it in, leave the state, or we’re coming to get them”.
That’s not “irrational” – it’s HAPPENING.
Stop with the nonsense about the lead smelter….the smelter only made PRIMARY raw lead…it is NOT used for bullets. Bullets are made from old tire weights and battery reclamation. Its harder than primary lead.
Then there is the fact it was scheduled to be shut down before Obama became president.