No free speech issues here, no siree.

Reece Ristau of The Daily Nebraskan reports.

Derogatory language resolution sparks controversy at ASUN meeting

After lengthy debate, including a racial slur-laden speech by a senator, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska passed a resolution Wednesday pledging the senate’s support to remove derogatory language from its members’ vocabulary.

The legislation passed with 16 senators for, 6 against and 4 abstaining from the vote.

The resolution was submitted by Sen. Claire Eckstrom, a senior fashion design major. Sen. Cameron Murphy, a graduate student in nutrition, said he did not agree with the resolution because he believed it would hinder free speech.

Murphy cited comedian Chris Rock as an example of why some words are not offensive. He recited one of Rock’s routines, which used the N-word.

“But what’s a n—–?” Murphy said after quoting Rock. “A n—– is black trash. There’s white trailer trash also.”

“What’s offensive to one person may be innocuous to a group of others,” Murphy said. “For example, the Mexican-American students complaining about (Homecoming Week) skits. They said they were offensive because they were wearing sombreros — really, that’s offensive?”

Murphy now faces impeachment.

Sen. Cameron Murphy could be impeached from the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska as a result of racial comments he made at a senate meeting last week.

Murphy, a graduate student in nutrition, will soon face a hearing with ASUN’s executive committee. He’ll have a chance to defend the comments he made at ASUN’s Nov. 13 meeting during debate about whether a proposed resolution was a restriction of free speech. After the hearing, a senate-wide secret vote will determine whether Murphy is removed from ASUN senate.

Of course, the school’s Chancellor Harvey Perlman has issued a statement.

“Dear members of the UNL community,

It is with a deep sense of disappointment that I write to each of you as a member of the UNL community. We have experienced recent incidents of racial and ethnic intolerance and insensitivity — incidents that have brought pain to all of us who care about the university and the people who make it special, and particularly to those of us against whom they were addressed.

A college student quoted comedian Chris Rock and pointed out double standards of free speech?

Quick! Everybody panic!
