Southern Methodist University student Hayley Waring has a few words for Vice President Joe Biden, who recently state that Tea Party conservatives are the biggest impediment to progress in America, and tied his ramblings into the “war on women”.

There are very few things that anger me quite as much as when the left evokes their “war on women” rhetoric. As a woman, why would I choose to align myself with a movement that hates me? I would have to be stupid to do so. Perhaps that’s what the vice president thinks, that because I am a conservative woman I am stupid. If that’s the case, then I resent that.

But here’s my question: does this conservative-fueled war on women exist? Have I somehow missed a civil rights issue that supposedly directly effects me? No, not only is Mr. Biden’s claim insulting, it is also inaccurate. The Tea Party is far from hostile to women. In fact, The Tea Party has supported a variety of females including Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin, and Katrina Pierson, just to name a few. It should also go without saying that the principles the Tea Party wishes to protect are principles that apply to all Americans, not just men. Women benefit from job creation, lower taxes, government transparency and protection of civil liberties in exactly the same ways men do.

If we’re being honest with ourselves, this isn’t really about women at all for them. Rather, it’s about control. …

Has anyone else noticed how the majority of left leaning political advertising that targets women deals with abortion, free birth control or other so called “reproductive rights”? The left is not doing women any favors. In fact, they are sending a loud and clear message: “The only issues you should care about are those referring to your body. We know what’s best for you, and if you should choose to speak out against us, well, take a look at Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin and see what we might say about you.”

I’m fed up with the notion that a woman is a traitor to her fellow females if she dares to support jobs over government funding for abortions, or a secure economy over free birth control. As a woman, I don’t need the government to fix my problems. I would much rather work hard and be my own solution. The reality is that we are not weak and we don’t need anyone to fight a fabricated “war” on our behalf.
