Pennsylvania State University student John Plucenik takes an in-depth look at the results at the Virgina governor’s race, offering the Libertarians and Republicans some sound advice on how to address stealth “Libertarian” candidates like Robert C. Sarvis in the future.

…After accumulating this information, it becomes evident that it’s not a Libertarian problem. It’s an education problem.

Let’s take a look at the candidate himself. Glenn Beck goes into further detail about Robert C. Sarvis on his radio program which can bee seen here, but I’ll provide some highlights below that put things into perspective:

  • Sarvis isn’t a fan of Austrian Economics, he states that he prefers more “mainstream economics”.
  • As Governor, Sarvis would be hesitant to cut taxes.
  • He isn’t sure as to how he might reduce spending.
  • He’s open to expanding Virginia’s Medicaid program
  • He is enthusiastic for increasing gas taxes and for establishing a ‘Vehicle Miles Driven Tax’.

Hmm, these policies don’t really sound too Libertarian to me. Even noted Libertarian Ron Paul endorsed Cuccinelli as an “ally” and a “Constitutionalist”; he stated that it would be “insane” to vote for Sarvis given his views on economics and taxes.

So why did Libertarians still give 6.6% of the vote for Sarvis? Quite simply, they didn’t educate themselves about the candidate and what he truly stood for. Either that, or they’re not true Libertarians: no true Libertarian in their right mind would vote for such a left-leaning candidate as Sarvis. Virginia was a very close race, and conservatives could ill-afford to divide their votes.

Democrats prey upon those who don’t educate themselves with the facts. That’s why they employ men like Joe Liemandt to wreak havoc behind enemy lines and when the Republicans lose elections like this, Liberals sit back and smile while Republicans and Libertarians point fingers at each other. They push forward bills without looking at the facts of what are actually in them, and then distract voters by making faulty promises of a better system. This is how they operate.

We need to understand that so we can focus our efforts on our opponents, not ourselves.
