If the Obama administration believed that young Americans were going to roll over and pay heavily for other people’s healthcare, then a recent demonstration is going to come as a very unpleasant surprise:

With props that included a severed plastic arm and signs that read “Obamacare,” “quality” and “affordable” written in fake blood, a small group of conservative students at the University of Texas recently took to the quad to protest the Affordable Care Act – and the effort actually garnered support from some professors in the process.

“We had several professors stop and high-five us,” Cody Jo Bankhead, student spokeswoman for the University of Texas chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas, told The College Fix. ”The general reaction was positive.”

In fact, the three-hour protest only prompted visible negative reactions from two students, she said in an email.

“There was one person who walked by and yelled, ‘Tell your party thanks for shutting down the government, it really helped the economy,’ ” she said. ”… And after we had been out there for about two hours, a random student came up and stood next to us holding a sign that said: ‘Health care is a human right.’ ”

The conservative students held civil, intelligent conversations with both of them, Bankhead added.

The Thursday afternoon demonstration was conducted in the West Mall of UT’s campus. Seven students from the nonpartisan Young Conservatives of Texas took part. The goal was to educate students about the truth behind the Affordable Care Act, including how many people have lost health insurance because of it, Bankhead said.

“We spoke to students about what it entails, what will be changing in regards to health care, how many people will be and have already lost their health insurance, and how Obamacare will negatively affect the economy,” she said.
