Great. If there’s one thing we need at Gitmo it’s social justice, right?

Hat tip to Gateway Pundit who adds…

President Obama has named Capitol Hill attorney, Paul Lewis, as his new “Guantanamo Closer.”  The spot has been vacant for four months.  Lewis is a professor of Liberal Studies at Georgetown University, where he teaches courses on “Introduction to Ethics,” and “Ethical Issues in American Politics,”.  He is currently the Minority General Counsel of the House Armed Services Committee.  Lewis is also an advocate for “Social Justice” and encourages his students to become active in the cause.

Carol Rosenberg of the Miami Herald reports.

Capitol Hill lawyer chosen as Pentagon’s ‘Guantánamo closer’

The Obama administration has chosen a former U.S. Marine and seasoned congressional lawyer to serve as the special envoy at the Defense Department for the closure of the Guantánamo prison, which Tuesday held 164 prisoners.

Paul Lewis will fill the job that has been vacant since President Barack Obama created it in May, the Pentagon said Tuesday — a day after the Miami Herald reported on the appointment.

Lewis, the minority counsel for the House Armed Services Committee, will work for Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel exclusively on closing Guantánamo and transferring foreign prisoners from Afghanistan as a counterpart to State Department envoy Clifford Sloan’s work for Secretary of State John Kerry.

Hagel personally approved the choice, a U.S. official said Monday, hours after 16 legal, religious and human rights groups wrote Obama complaining of slow progress in efforts to close the prison.
