reports that a woman who works in the fundraising department at the University of California, San Francisco has written some venomous tweets about ‘non-believers’ in Obamacare.

Unhinged: UCSF fundraiser wishes death on all Obamacare ‘nonbelievers’; Nick Searcy shreds

The soulless and morally bankrupt Left is sickly at it again. As Twitchy reported, the communications chair for the Sacramento Dems wished death upon Amanda Carpenter’s children. Her crime? Working for Sen. Ted Cruz. The cretinous Brauer was subsequently forced to resign.

Now Stephanie Handler, who works for University of California, San Francisco, ups the repugnant by wishing death on all Obamacare “nonbelievers.” Not only reprehensible, but oh-how-creepy — “nonbelievers.”

Here’s a tweet from Twitchy’s post that contains a screen cap of Handler’s tweet.
