We recently reported that Marquette University was planning a 12 week workshop on female sexuality, the highlight of which was “The C#&t Coloring Book”.

It looks like this piece and other comments contrasting the workshop’s content and the university’s Catholic identity inspired school administrators to alter their plans:

Marquette University will no longer host a 12-week workshop on female sexuality, following media scrutiny of the discrepancy between the workshop’s content and the university’s Catholic identity.

FemSex, a student-run workshop featuring discussions of masturbation, menstruation and male privilege, proved to be a controversial course at Marquette last winter. But after shuffling sponsorships, workshop organizers planned to return to campus this year. University officials met with the academic program sponsoring it, however, and the program withdrew support.

“This is not a new policy,” Andrew Brodzeller, a spokesperson for Marquette, told The Daily Caller. He stressed that Marquette had never viewed FemSex as something deserving of a Catholic institution’s sponsorship.

University officials encouraged students to discuss sexuality in a religiously sensitive context.

“We understand that our students engage in discussions on gender and sexuality, but when they happen as part of a university-sponsored event, we must address these topics in the context of our Catholic faith,” said the university in a press release, according to Campus Reform.

Whether students will still find a way to host the workshop — which would have featured coloring lessons from “The C#&t Coloring Book” — is unknown.
