We took a look at the nationwide “War on Men” at American colleges and universities when we reviewed Dr. Helen Smith’s new book, “Men on Strike“.

Now, it seems that some campus men are fighting back:

With increasing frequency, women are filing federal complaints against colleges accused of failing to address sexual assault. Heightened awareness of students’ rights and colleges’ obligations under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination, has led to a wave of protests.

Now, two men who left two different colleges after being accused of sexual assault have filed their own lawsuits alleging that administrators violated their due process by mishandling the investigations and campus judicial proceedings that led to their expulsion and withdrawal.

It’s an unusual (but not unprecedented) legal approach, utilizing a federal statute designed to protect the people who historically have been victimized by institutional discrimination. To make a successful case under Title IX, the men must demonstrate that they were discriminated against based on their status as males.

Lawyers and Title IX experts say that’s unlikely.

The legal counterattack includes a lawsuit by former Vassar College student Peter Yu, which we reported for College Insurrection. Yu was found guilty of sex charges brought by another student one year after the event and was subsequently expelled from the school two-and-a-half weeks after the complaint was filed. Yu’s complaint seeks damages for negligence, breach of contract and several other charges.

Interestingly, Professor of Law Glenn Reynolds (and Smith’s husband) counters the assertions made by the Title IX experts that men won’t be able to prove discrimination.

Really? I’d like to see how colleges treat complaints about female behavior, whether they make clear that such complaints are welcome, whether their training is gender-neutral, and a lot more before I reached that conclusion. I suspect that it would be easy to prove that these programs are based on outdated stereotypes of men as predators, stereotypes that aren’t supported by research.

Truly, the time is come for men to apply Alinksy Rule #4: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
