University of Maryland Bans Smoking on Campus
File this story under “Nanny State Gone Wild”.
There’s the War on Guns, taking away students’ Second Amendment rights on campuses nationwide.
There’s the War on Big Oil, as green students clamor over each other to demand their universities’ endowments divest from fossil fuel businesses.
And another campus battle that is raging, although it’s not as prominent as the other two right now, is the War on Big Tobacco.
The University of Maryland on Monday announced it’s officially smoke-free now, joining more than 1,000 universities nationwide that have banned smoking on college grounds.
Some experts say they believe all campuses will be entirely smoke-free in the next 20 years.
Smoking. Big gulps. Guns. Junk food. Why don’t they just wrap us all up in bubbles and tube-feed us juiced veggies? That’s probably the safest bet.
Goodbye freedom. Hello Nanny State.
Do they ban all smoking, or just tobacco?
I’ve always suspected that the anti-tobacco movement (the later phase, starting with the shw-trials in Congress) was the 60’s people gettign revenge on their parents marijuana.
Connecticut’s State University system did the same thing about about 8 years ago.
I took another class at one of their locations this past year, and the prohibition had been completely revoked.
At some point, even the most nanny-state campus will realize that sending its students off to remote locations to indulge their addictions is far riskier than any minimal secondhand smoke exposure to students who walk within 30 feet of a smoking student in the open air.