File this story under “Asking the Important Questions”.

College Fix Editor Nathan Harden asks: Should Sex-Ed Be Taught by Porn Stars?

Remember back in the day when parents used to be the ones to have the “birds and the bees” talk with their kids? No longer. Now it’s the porno actors who we trust to do the job.

On in program “Red Eye” … Greg Gutfield discussed the issue of whether porn stars ought to be brought in to teach sex education :

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If you follow this blog, or if you’ve read my book, you already know that they’ve been hosting porn stars as experts on sexuality at Yale and many other elite universities for years. I guess it’s only a matter of time the porn-education trend trickles down to the grade school level. It’s pitiful that we even have to ask such a question these days. But, unfortunately, such is the world we live in.

So here you have it: Should sex-ed be taught by porn stars?
