Mitch Daniels is currently the president of Purdue University but new reports show that when he was the governor of Indiana, he battled leftist indoctrination in higher education.

Hillary Cherry of the YAF blog reports.

Governor Daniels Works to Eliminate Leftist Indoctrination

According to emails obtained by the Associated Press, Governor Mitch Daniels worked to eliminate leftist indoctrination in Indiana’s public universities during his time in office. Governor Daniels pledged to stand up for academic freedom-and continues to do exactly that as President of Purdue.

A university president looking for “an upgrade of offerings to increase knowledge in the areas of math and science?” Sadly this is unheard of, and liberals are doing their best to keep it that way.

In 2010, Governor Daniels requested that liberal historian Howard Zinn’s literature be banned from classrooms.

Daniels wrote, “The obits and commentaries mentioned his book, ‘A People’s History of the United States,’ is the textbook of choice in high schools and colleges around the country. It is a truly execrable, anti-factual piece of disinformation that misstates American history on every page.”

In an effort to improve the education of Hoosiers, Daniel’s wrote, “Disqualify propaganda and highlight (if there is any) the more useful offerings. Don’t the ed schools have at least some substantive PD [professional development] courseware to upgrade knowledge of math, science, etc.”

The most frustrating part of these emails gaining national attention is that Americans, who should be pleased with his work to remove improper education of our youth, are outraged. This leads me to question our nation’s stance on education. Why would anyone want his or her child to be taught an inaccurate description of American history?

According to Politico, the emails are “raising eyebrows about Daniels’ appointment as president of a major research university just months after critics questioned his lack of academic credentials.” In reality, the emails reveal exactly why he is qualified to be president of Purdue University. Governor Daniels worked to eliminate leftist propaganda. He has dedicated himself to ensuring students receive a fair and balanced education.

Since becoming the president of Purdue University in January, Daniels has greatly improved the University. Daniels is also more accessible to students, faculty, and the community than our previous president. He openly meets with fellow institutions and companies to promote better relations and partnerships.
