I’ve lost track of how many posts College Insurrection has done on the subject of young people and unemployment but we cover it for a reason.

As politicians in Washington fiddle, an entire generation of Americans is losing part of its life and bringing the country ever closer to another financial crisis.

Nathan Harden of The College Fix reports.

For Young Adults, It’s a Jobless Recovery

With the stock market dancing around all-time highs, and the official unemployment slowly dropping, you might think that the worst of the recession is behind us. But for many young adults and recent college grads, the economic recovery hasn’t yet hit home.

For young people in particular, the job market sill remains frustrating. As the White House seeks to put a positive spin on the economy, that’s a point Republicans are eager to make to young voters.

Monday morning the GOP sent out a press release highlighting a BuzzFeed article by Hunter Schwarz with the ominous title, “Even Fewer Twentysomethings Have Full-Time Jobs Than Last Year.” The article cites a recent Gallup poll that shows fewer young adults have full-time jobs today than did a year ago.

Odds of employment were, as you would expect, worse for those without a college degree. But even those with a degree were less likely to have full-time employment now than at this time last year.

Gallup summarized its report, saying, “There appears to be a growing crisis involving a lack of full-time work facing all younger Americans right now, regardless of their education level.”

You’ve heard of the term, “jobless recovery.” We may now be witnessing modern history’s first “youth-less recovery.”
