This is apparently a tradition of sorts at UNC Chapel Hill. Funny that nothing in this house of horrors points out the job prospects awaiting these students after graduation.

Alexander Ht of Carolina Review Daily has the story.

Remarks on the 2013 Tunnel of Oppression

Ever year at UNC, the campus holds a Tunnel of Oppression that attempts to create a positive social change around campus. This event is described as “an immersive experience of scenes where participants will experience first hands different forms of oppression” , mainly through interactive displays and models. Some of the topics included in this experience include ability, class, homophobia, religious oppression, relationship violence, and race. As these experiences are played out, it allows participants to rethink their role to create a positive social atmosphere. However, in the hour and a half experience that is the Tunnel of Oppression, this does not occur.

Many of the exercises that were included in this program include pointing out how individuals feel oppressed by society. This includes income inequality, learning disabilities, and certain positions on marriage. Instead of solutions, each program focused on how an individual felt that people misrepresented their position, and how they are set into stereotypes by society, such as an Islamic woman tired of people thinking she is a terrorist threat because of her faith.

One of the most interesting displays included talking about income inequality, in which a sign proclaiming that “1 percent of America has 40 percent of the nation’s wealth”. While this may be true, is that really oppression? Oppression is defined as “unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power” and “a sense of being weighed down in body or mind”. So, according to the definition of oppression, someone’s success has a burden to others, right? That is a ridiculous thought. We know that being wealthy isn’t an unjust use of power, so what is being wealthy? Possibly business success, but not according to the Tunnel of Oppression apparently.
