Keith Fierro of the College Conservative says the Republican Party should be more concerned about immigration than the youth vote.

The GOP’s Problem Isn’t Youth, It’s Immigration

If I have to hear one more person quip about Republicans losing the youth vote because we won’t support killing babies or the break down of the family, I think I’ll go postal.

You don’t have to look far: the biggest loser of the last GOP primaries says we need to be more “socially accepting”; a Human Events piece argues social conservatism and neoconservatism are the party’s cancer; Julie Borowski thinks the youth are turned off by the lack of libertarian purity. The solutions are all the same: pander to the libertarian youth vote.

How did we get to the conclusion that the youth were die-hard lovers of liberty? By asking them stupid questions like: Should weed be legal? What do you think of gay marriage? and How ’bout them bank bailouts?

Keep in mind the policy prescriptions of the “libertarian youth” and the Occupiers are the same.

Any group of chain-smoking kids will pledge their vote for Ron Paul or describe themselves as “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” until they find out what that means. No more federal student aid. No laws forbidding employee discrimination (yes, even against the gays). No taxes on rich corporations. No welfare for needy mothers and children. No endowment for the arts.

Young voters don’t care about the size of government. They want the license to do what they want with their bodies at the expense of everyone else.

And, contrary to what you’ve heard, Republicans haven’t totally lost young people. In fact, Romney picked up 54% of support from voters aged 18-29, as well as a slight majority of women under 30.
