A long-term discussion on the right-o-sphere centers on the differences between establishment Republicans and conservatives:

Missouri State University student Lindsey Kolb chimes in with her thoughts on this issue:

We’re emerging into a society that is becoming more and more liberal in its political beliefs. The mass of young people is more likely to side with the Democrats/Liberals because they can agree with their views on social issues. The Republican party, or as I call it, the GOP Establishment, has been desperately trying to appeal to the masses in order to gain more support and voters because they have been alienating certain groups, not on purpose, with their traditional conservative beliefs.

The younger people will always be more liberal than the older generation who is always more conservative. When looking at statistics, younger people far outweigh the voters of the older generation. The masses of the younger generation wants to be represented by officials who are advocates for the emerging society with equality for all and many liberal policies.

Being part of the younger generation, I have been more accepting of diversity, whether that be with sexual, racial, or religious diversity, than the people of the older generation. We’ve grown up in a society with many different kinds of diversity around unlike our Baby Boomer parents. It’s just “normal” to us. Republican politicians in today’s age are attempting to change with the times and the people of the United States rather than staying true to their beliefs. They are more concerned with making sure everyone is represented, even if they are trying to represent a group of people that they don’t necessarily identify with.

…The politicians who are elected are typically older because more voters feel that they are more experienced and knowledgeable about government and politics. The main problem with this and the Republican Party is that because of the GOP’s conservative views, the younger generation will never be in the majority of support of the conservative candidates running for public office.

So, as we’ve seen with recent stories about Republicans in Congress and in the Senate “coming out” as supporters of gay marriage and being pro-choice, they are turning on their conservative beliefs and choosing to try to run with the GOP Establishment‘s political ploy to appeal to more people.
