Sarah Hofmann of The Daily Caller reports.

Colgate professor sends insanely condescending email to senior class president

After Colgate University the senior class council president began telling tales of his drunken exploits during his speech at a senior class champagne brunch, one of the school’s professors made it very clear she wasn’t laughing.

Education professor Barabara Regenspan immediately walked out of the event and reportedly sent the following caustic email to the student:

Dear Matt: I was so disgusted by your speech today that I had to walk out on an event I was, before your words, thoroughly enjoying. Do you think that members of campus safety were entertained by the antics of you and your drinking buddies that caused them to respond to a call in the middle of the night?

Do you think most of the faculty sitting in front of you who have worked to develop the intellect and compassion of your fellow class members were entertained to hear that your prized memories of Colgate involve excessive drinking and causing working people to take care of a spoiled brat and his friends in the middle of the night?

Do you think that an international student and/or a student of color would be helped in his medical school interview by reports of such in-group bonding jokes at an interview? Does it not occur to you that the very faculty being honored today are opposed to the rich white boys drinking club and its network that is one (unfortunate) aspect of the Colgate experience, and forms a relatively small part (I have to believe based on my own wonderful dealings with one city’s association) of its otherwise inspiring alumni network?

Here’s the best part of the story.

Reviews of the professor on Rate My Professors include the following: “She is absolutely out of her mind,” “Pretty much nuts but VERY enthusiastic,” “absolutely incomphrehensible,” and “You will be frustrated by her insane ramblings.”
