Ever wonder where the Obama Stimulus money went?

Wonder no longer!  Emily Schrader of the University of Southern California has some details for items critical to many schools’ “Sex Week” events.

Remember when the Obama Administration paid gay men $400,000 to cruise the Argentinian bars to discover why gay men engage in risky behavior while drunk? Well they did, and the fun didn’t end there, apparently.

More recently, the brave researchers at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute (where else?) obtained half a million dollars in federal stimulus money to ponder the ramifications of – oh, how can I say this – man parts that don’t respond well to faulty condom application skills.

The study was titled “Barriers to Correct Condom Use,” (because a study of condoms funded by the “stimulus package” wasn’t enough of a pun, apparently) and ran from 2009 to 2012.

Here, in their own less-than-clear language, is what the researchers spent three years working on:

“This project is one of the first to examine under controlled conditions the role of cognitive and affective factors and condom skills in explaining condom use problems in young, heterosexual adult men.”

In other words, researchers spent three years studying the difficulties drunk guys have putting on condoms.

…They talked to 479 guys between the ages of 18 and 24, to come up with this shocking, historic discovery: Loose-fitting condoms, and anxiety associated with condoms, may make it more difficult for young men to stay aroused, which may make them not wish to use condoms in the future. Anyone with an ounce of common sense could have told them that and saved them three years of research work and half a million bucks.

The folks at the Kinsey Institute argue that this study was critical to the nation and worth half a million taxpayer dollars because “one in two sexually active persons will contract an STD/STI by age 25.”

…. Let’s assume that this condom study was actually useful. Even if that were the case, consider the source of the funding.

The stimulus money was an investment, President Obama told us, in jobs. It was all about creating employment. In view of that objective, maybe we should stop making fun of this research and get down to appreciating how many jobs it created. Which according to the federal government, is exactly – zero.
