White Privilege” is the theory advanced by people desperate to claim racism but who can’t actually find racism.  So it’s no surprise that many White Privilege conferences are held on campuses.

In Campus Reform, Timothy Dionisopoulos reports on an event being held at a Colorado pubic university that is being promoted with the video below.  It also looks like attendees will get credit for going to the conference and that other schools plan to host similar events.

The University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) will offer students up to four college credits for attending its 14th annual “White Privilege Conference,” Campus Reform has learned.

An official video promo for the conference, which is organized by the university, teaches Caucasians they are born with a permanent and irreconcilable advantage.

“I am privileged,” reads animated script that appears an all white screen. “[I] can go shopping fairly assured I won’t be followed or harassed. When I am told about our national heritage or about ‘civilization’ I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.”

“[I] cannot be blind to the invisible  system of privilege I am a part of,” concludes the video after listing a number of supposed advantages of being white.

An online syllabus on the university’s website says students will receive one college credit for each day of the three day conference they attend as long as they submit a brief journal entry summarizing a major concept they learned by May 4.

The White Privilege Conference itself is set to take place April 10-13, in Seattle, more than 1,300 miles from Colorado Springs. It is organized by Dr. Abby Ferber, a professor in the UCCS Department of Sociology, and the Director of the Matrix Center.

Ferbner has authored numerous books including one called “White Man Falling: Race, Gender and White Supremacy.”

Neither Ferber nor the university responded to multiple requests for comment from Campus Reform.

According to the conference’s website, the credit can be attained by any student in attendance and is “widely transferable” to other academic institutions.

Four other institutions of higher education are helping sponsor the conference including the University of Michigan and the University of Minnesota.
