CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, is slated for March 14-16 at the nation’s capitol.

Alex Uzarowicz,a student from Knox College in Illinois, thinks one Republican luminary is noticeably absent from this event:

The Republican Party is still soul-searching. It’s still torn by celebrities such as Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, and public servants like Senators Tom Coburn and Senator Marco Rubio. The former thrives in talking points that tend to lose elections and the latter set politics aside and make the Republican Party look like a reasonable wing in government.

But it seems like the celebrities are winning. Just look at CPAC.

The most well-known speakers for this year’s CPAC convention are former Governor Sarah Palin, former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and former Senator Rick Santorum. They all share one thing in common: they lost elections. They are losing conservative messengers for many reasons.

One crucial reason is that none of them are not from New Jersey. Also, their last name is not Christie.

The most popular Republican Governor is not invited to CPAC.  Al Cardenas, the head of American Conservative Union, defended the decision by criticizing Governor Christie’s support of the Sandy relief bill (worth more than $60 billion, mind you).

Even though Christie has a solid conservative track record. He’s not perfect, but then again, conservatism is not about perfection. Conservatism is not an ideology. Conservatism is a set of prudent beliefs practiced to maintain social order. Christie’s record preserves New Jersey’s social order.

Joe Scarborough defends Christie’s record very well. Scarborough points out that Christie declared war on powerful union bosses, stands with strong pro-life credentials, cut businesses taxes by $2.6 billion, reformed education, cut spending, increased employee contributions for government employees, and raised the retirement age. If that’s not conservative, then I don’t want to know what conservative means.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a role model for today’s Republican Party. He’s snubbed by the conservative Republican wing and for the wrong reasons. The Sandy relief bill was his responsibility as a governor. That’s what governors do and that’s what the federal government is supposed to do as well.

Christie is much more conservative than Romney, Santorum, or Palin. Their records are nowhere near Christie’s. Look at it on an individual cases.

Uzarowicz than provides specific examples covering the political histories of Romney, Santorum, and Palin; he then concludes:

CPAC needs to be open-minded. It needs to stay relevant instead of alienating Republicans that may not always agree with their right-winged platform. We, conservatives, are an important wing in the Republican Party and will stay more relevant by inviting leaders like Christie.

Mr. Cardenas, it’s just too bad that Christie’s not invited. You’re missing out.

Read the original article:
Christie’s 74 (The College Conservative)