It should be noted that nothing has happened at the University of Colorado to prompt the proposed ban. Liberals just hate the idea of concealed carry and want the law changed.

This is an AP report via The Oregonian.

Gun control: Colorado legislature considers ban on concealed carry on college campuses

DENVER — A Colorado Senate committee will consider a gun control bill this week that would ban concealed carry on public college campuses, reversing a state Supreme Court ruling last year that forced colleges to accommodate students with concealed carry permits.

Chances are, however, few students would notice any change.

Boulder Democratic Rep. Claire Levy‘s bill comes as majority Democrats in both legislative chambers push gun control measures that include an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and limits on gun magazines. But campus police and some students say any change on concealed carry likely would have little impact.

“It’s a difficult ban to enforce, because we have so many entrances and exits to this campus,” said Ryan Hall, a spokesman for the University of Colorado Police Department.

Nevertheless, faculty have raised concerns about the potential presence of guns since the March court ruling, which said that only the legislature could create exceptions to the state’s concealed carry law. Levy, whose district is home to the main campus of the University of Colorado, said it was those fears that prompted her to propose the bill.

“It wasn’t so much a concerns that someone might use a weapon, but that not knowing if there was a weapon would be intimidating and inhibiting,” Levy said.
