Yesterday, we reported that the University of Michigan gave credit for participating in a college sex group.

Now, in a move worthy of the leaders of Sodom and Gomorrah, the same university has banished a Christian group from campus in the name of “tolerance”.

In the name of an ‘all-comers’ policy, apparently it’s legal, via a 2010 Supreme Court decision, for universities to now discriminate against Christian groups like Intervarsity for not allowing gays and lesbians to serve in leadership positions. And the University of Michigan has just thrown off campus the Asian Intervaristy chapter for this very reason.

So much for academic tolerance:

CBN NEWS – InterVarsity Christian Fellowship said this week the University of Michigan has removed its Asian InterVarsity chapter from campus over their refusal to allow gays and lesbians to serve as student leaders.

The chapter is one of 10 InterVarsity chapters at the University of Michigan. CBN News has asked the university to comment on the situation but so far has not received a response.

The pressure on college ministries to abandon faith-based leadership requirements has increased since a 2010 Supreme Court decision.

In Christian Legal Society vs. Martinez, the court ruled that a public college may enforce an “all-comers” policy on a religious group without violating the First Amendment, as long as it applies the policy to all campus groups.

Greg Jao, national field director for InterVarsity wrote in Christianity Today last month that the organization has contested the policy on dozens of campuses in the last semester.

Jao said the cases demand substantial time and energy from students and staff. But he also noted that it’s been a character-building period for InterVarsity students and has also presented them with new evangelism opportunities.
