Surely, this will lower college tuition for everyone right? Everything liberals do is the exactly backwards method to achieve the outcome they desire.

Alexandra Tisley of Inside Higher Ed news reports.

Dream Act Passes in Maryland

Maryland’s Dream Act, originally passed by the state legislature in March 2011, will stand, as voters passed the measure Tuesday, 58 to 42 percent. Under the Dream Act, students without legal documentation to live in the United State can be eligible to receive in-county tuition at Maryland community colleges and in-state rates at public universities.

“For students, it means that they can get an education, they can figure out how to pay for college,” said Roberto Juarez, a campaign coordinator with the United Dream Network. “Especially for students finishing community college and trying to figure out how to go to a four-year college, it makes it something they can achieve; it’s no longer just a dream.”

Though the measure did pass the legislature, opponents launched a campaign to gather signatures and bring the issue to a referendum, marking the first time a state Dream Act has been put to popular vote.

Maryland’s Dream Act is relatively strict compared to other states’ policies. For an undocumented student to be eligible for in-county or in-state tuition, he or she must have graduated from a Maryland high school after attending for at least three years, and provide proof that he or his family has filed income taxes for at least the past three years. Even then, the student is only eligible for the resident rate at community college, and he must earn 60 units or his associate degree before qualifying for in-state tuition at the state’s four-year universities.

Because undocumented students are ineligible for federal student aid, and tend not to have a lot of money, in-state tuition rate eligibility tends to be crucial to their ability to get a higher education.
