Students at the University of Wisconsin who want to attend an upcoming speech by Obama are being required to hand over their phone numbers which are being turned over to the Obama campaign.

Ann Althouse broke the story in a guest post at Instapundit.

October 2, 2012

THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN REQUIRES STUDENTS TO GIVE THEIR PHONE NUMBERS TO THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN in order to get access to the central campus zone where Obama will be giving a speech this Thursday. Here‘s the University’s website — attempting to frame the event as a historical presidential visit — which links to a page on the Obama campaign website. You need tickets to go to the event, and the ticket-application form demands information of obvious use to the campaign. So not only is the University contributing a fabulous photo op to the campaign, it is connecting students to the campaign website and almost tricking them into giving the campaign their personal contact information.

UPDATE: The University now openly calls the event a “campaign rally”!

You would be hearing about this in the media for days if the Romney campaign had done it.
