Bill Whittle, the entertainingly savvy conservative pundit famous for his PJTV Afterburner series, has a new video that offers a reflection on his recent experience at Oberlin College — one of the most liberal campuses in America.

His commentary describes the stifling of free speech on the campus, the hypocrisy of its political correctness, and the fact that the same liberal pablum has been offered on college campuses for over 50 years.

“A walk through Oberlin is a walk through liberalism,” states Whittle. “It became jaw-droppingly apparent to me that a walk through liberalism is a walk through the past.”

While touring Oberlin’s campus, Whittle came across a cut-out figure of President Obama as Superman; meanwhile, there were deprecating comment about Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney as a “billionaire and businessman.”

“Does anyone who has watched this man [Obama] shrink and deflate to his natural size still believe this stuff?…What America needs most after decades of fiscal insanity accelerated beyond all measure by the man in the cape is a businessman,” Whittle commented.

Whittle remarked on one example of extreme progressive hypocrisy. It seems that Oberlin College has a “Women’s Study Building” that is prohibited to men, as men are “violent and intolerant”. However, a fraternity closed its doors because its members “got tired of having their windows smashed and their walls defaced by violent and hateful graffiti.”

Another noted conservative, former Vice President Dick Cheney, was greeted for his Oberlin speech by a large, inflatable rat placed there by the five unions present on campus. The union members also shouted him down. Whittle indicated he was not treated with such overt hostility; however, some of the posters featuring his talk were torn down from the library display.

When talking to a white liberal student about the inherent racism within affirmative action policies, it struck Whittle that he had heard the same screed when he was a freshman at the University of Florida in 1979, and that progressive agendas have been a steady fare on campus for over 50 years.

“So there I was in 2012 arguing with a fresh-faced kid who was saying the exact same things other fresh-faced kids were saying 50 years earlier, as if nothing had ever happened since then,” Whittle said.

Bill Whittle is a screenwriter, editor, and director and the author of Silent America: Essays from a Democracy at War.
